Digital Transformation in HR How Technology is Shaping the Future of Global Workforce Management


  • Saif Adnan Al-Tikriti Salahaddin University Author
  • Amir Fadel Salahaddin University Author


Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, HR Technology, Talent Management, Workforce Analytics


The rapid advancement of digital technology has significantly transformed Human Resource (HR) management, reshaping workforce strategies on a global scale. This study explores the impact of digital transformation on HR, focusing on key technological innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud-based HR systems, and data analytics. The research employs a qualitative approach, analyzing recent trends and case studies to identify how organizations leverage technology to enhance talent acquisition, employee engagement, and performance management. The findings indicate that digital tools streamline HR processes, improve decision-making, and foster a more agile workforce. However, challenges such as data security and digital skills gaps remain critical concerns. This study provides insights into the future of HR management, highlighting the need for continuous adaptation and strategic alignment with emerging technologies.


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