Global Talent Management Strategies for Enhancing Workforce Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion, Global Talent Management, Organizational Culture, Talent Retention, Workforce DiversityAbstract
This research explores global talent management strategies for enhancing workforce diversity and inclusion. In an increasingly interconnected world, organizations are recognizing the importance of creating diverse and inclusive work environments to foster innovation and improve organizational performance. The study investigates the various approaches adopted by multinational corporations to manage talent effectively across diverse cultures and regions. It examines how these organizations develop inclusive policies, promote equitable opportunities, and address unconscious biases in recruitment, retention, and promotion practices. The research uses qualitative methods, including interviews with HR professionals and case studies of leading companies in global talent management. Findings highlight the significance of leadership commitment, employee resource groups, and continuous learning in fostering an inclusive organizational culture. The study suggests that for organizations to successfully manage global talent, they must integrate diversity and inclusion strategies into their overall talent management framework. These strategies not only contribute to a more inclusive workforce but also enhance overall business success and competitiveness in the global market.
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