Workplace Wellbeing Programs in Multinational Companies Evaluating Effectiveness Across Cultures Management
Cultural differences, employee wellbeing, multinational companies, workplace programs, workforce engagementAbstract
This research explores the effectiveness of workplace wellbeing programs in multinational companies, focusing on cultural differences and their impact on employee engagement and productivity. With the growing emphasis on employee wellbeing, multinational organizations are increasingly adopting diverse wellbeing initiatives, but their success may vary across different cultural contexts. The objective of this study is to evaluate the perceived effectiveness of these programs across various regions and identify cultural factors that influence their outcomes. Using a mixed-method approach, including surveys and interviews with employees from multiple countries, the study examines how cultural values and work environments affect the reception and success of wellbeing initiatives. Findings suggest that while wellbeing programs are generally beneficial, their specific design and implementation must align with cultural norms to maximize effectiveness. Implications for multinational companies include the need for customized wellbeing strategies that reflect the diverse needs and expectations of their global workforce.
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